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Samantha is our office manager and an experienced paralegal together with being a Justice of the Peace. Samantha has been with the firm since its inception since 2003.


Tamara has been with the firm for over seven years and during that time she has demonstrated her ability to attend to any task assigned to her in a competent manner. Tamara is always available to help our clients. Tamara is a Commissoner for Declarations and has undertaken certificate courses in law and administration.


Mediation (the term includes family mediation, family law mediation and family dispute resolution services) resolves conflict and problems in all walks of life, business, families, and international disputes just to name a few.

Mediation – What is It and Why Should I Do It?

Mediation including family dispute resolution provides far superior outcomes than Court proceedings.  Costs, privacy, speedy resolution are only some of the reasons why mediation is the resolution method that works.  Going to Court is costly and without doubt one of the most demoralising and stressful events you will encounter. There is an alternative, in fact […]