Settling without going to court

Section 60I Certificates

Grandparents Rights Under Family Law Act
Do grandparents have special rights under the Family Law Act? They do have some priority and are specifically mentioned in the Family Law Act.
We recently acted for grandparents wanting to spend time with their grandchild but who were…

Offence – Removing a Child From Australia
Did you know:
It is a Commonwealth offence for a person to take or send a child from Australia:
- contrary to an order limiting or preventing the child's overseas travel
- where court proceedings for a parenting order are pending, or

Getting “What’s fair”
Divorce in the Family Courts can lead to uncertain and unpredictable outcomes. A recent case of Telfer [2016] FCWA 2 (4 January 2016) in the Family Court of Western Australia demonstrates how outcomes in property settlements can be just that.

Words of Caution – Changing the Family Law Act
There has been a great deal of media attention recently (May 2016), attacking the ability of the Family Courts and its Judges to understand and appropriately deal with family violence.
I have read that there are suggestions to further amend…