Settling without going to court

Section 60I Certificates

Offence – Removing a Child From Australia
Did you know:
It is a Commonwealth offence for a person to take or send a child from Australia:
- contrary to an order limiting or preventing the child's overseas travel
- where court proceedings for a parenting order are pending, or

Getting “What’s fair”
Divorce in the Family Courts can lead to uncertain and unpredictable outcomes. A recent case of Telfer [2016] FCWA 2 (4 January 2016) in the Family Court of Western Australia demonstrates how outcomes in property settlements can be just that.

Words of Caution – Changing the Family Law Act
There has been a great deal of media attention recently (May 2016), attacking the ability of the Family Courts and its Judges to understand and appropriately deal with family violence.
I have read that there are suggestions to further amend…