We have reached our own agreement about property matters. What do we do now?
Reaching your own agreement means you can make your own decisions, move forward with your life, avoid unnecessary costly court proceedings and allow you both to move forward for the benefit of your children and yourself.
If you have an agreement you can settle property matters by way of a financial agreement or consent orders. Visit flms.com.au for more information. Make sure you contact us to discuss your agreement and the most cost effective way of documenting your agreement. If you or your partner are retaining the home or other real property then we can help with the transfer of that property but this should only be done after consent orders or a financial agreement have been finalised.
This is general information only and is not legal advice. You should obtain specific legal advice regarding your specific circumstances. © Family Lawyers & Mediation Services. All rights reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.