The Australian Government Skills & Quality Authority has complaints guidelines that all Registered Training organisations need to comply with.  Clause 6.1 – 6.6 set out the requirements to be implemented which includes making mediation services available where necessary.  Whenever conflict arises between students and the training organisation mediation is a confidential way of handling those disputes.

The appointment of a mediation service which is Nationally Accredited will ensure compliance in addition to the other requirements in the guidelines.  Randal Binnie is an experienced Nationally Accredited mediator who can assist where ever conflict arises.  Facilitative or problem solving mediation (as it is otherwise known) helps parties reach their own mutually acceptable agreements.  Often just the fact that someone’s opinion can be expressed and heard will lead to agreement.

A link to the guidelines can be found Australian Government Skills Quality Authority

– call now to speak with Randal to discuss your organisations needs.